Wednesday, March 15, 2006

One More Sign

It occurred to me earlier this week that the sinusy, headachey, sniffly thing I've had going on the last week or so — which seems to be an annual-ish kind of thing — just might be a seasonal allergy. Given that I've generally only found myself allergic to a certain useful medication, this is a new and novel concept to me.

It also occurred to me that I've only noticed this in the last few years or so, as in: the time I've lived in a more rural area, closer to all the citrus groves.

It occurred to me last night that the smell of orange blossoms is particularly strong. I couldn't be... could I? I'm not trying to be hypochondriac or anything, but have you ever heard of someone allergic to... orange pollen?

I'm hoping I'm not putting 2 and 2 and 2 together and getting 16, but... it's almost as if I needed one more sign that I really, somehow, don't belong in Florida.


  1. Where do you want to go - if you are going ANYWHERE near North Carolina or Virginia, may I tag along?

  2. Nope. It wouldn't be orange blossoms you are allergic to. I just had allergy testing done, and orange trees.blossoms were defiantely not one of them. But right now is the time for may be allergic to that. If you want an ENT referral I can give you the name of my office. They even have an office at Celebration.
