Perhaps the only downside to a Monday holiday is the persistent feel that Tuesday has somehow become a Monday. I suspect it will be at least Thursday before I get back in sync with the calendar. Not that I'm complaining mind you. (A day off with pay? Let me think this over....)
Sunday's BOBB Gathering (also known as "It's all about the Chocolate Cake" or the "Dish vs. Digital Cable Judging Party," depending on which participant you ask) was well-documented by Dewayne. In addition to the now-famed cake, Bj also provided some fabulous bruschetta, quesadillas, peasant sandwiches, and a bean dip with a kick. Amazing what a creative person can do without using meat. VERY tasty. Should we do it potluck in the future, I suggest Dewayne & Bj both bring cake for some comparison tasting. (No offense, but I'd rather have that than the Southern delicacy of grits.)
(You know, though, it is [odd? disconcerting? just plain strange, as Dan might put it?] to find the topics of an evening's conversation posted on the Web the next day.)
The evening ended when an imminent lightning storm scattered the participants to three of the four cardinal points of the compass, to avoid what appeared to be massive amounts of rain. I don't know about the other two points (or the place from which we departed in haste), but all we got headed west was a light show and more dry lawn.