Monday, October 15, 2001

A correction.

My apologies for implying that I only have 3 readers. Why, yesterday alone (Sunday 10/14), I apparently had 6 visitors, and one of my known regular readers was at sea.

Dewayne hit the nail right on the head the other day. I was even contemplating last week that I've been waking up and thinking, "Wow! I'm still alive!", and, "Wow! I'm healthy!", followed at the end of the workday thinking, "Wow! They didn't fire me!" Started out of fear and cynicism, I have been endeavouring toward turning these moments into thankfulness to God for these facts of my life. 45 days ago, these were things taken for granted. So, in a day when the news just turns scarier and scarier, I try to take a moment to recharge, as it were, and I have to be thankful that, aside from some job-related fear and general paranoia, I have actually not personally been affected... yet.