Thursday, October 25, 2001

I Saw The Sign...

They've been installing new signage around our office over the last week or so. The occasion has filled me with all sorts of ponderings about them. We'll ignore for the moment that some signs were installed before the walls they are on have been repainted. I'm wondering things like:
  • Why does it take more Braille dots to say "MEN" than it does to say "Suite 210: Disney University Leadership Center"?
  • My apologies if this is ignorant or insensitive of me (don't you dare say "near-sighted"), but how is a visually-impaired person supposed to find the clear Braille dots on the new glass-on-metal signs?
  • Why are the international signs for "MEN" and "WOMEN" restroom facilities apparently clothed (or, at least "WOMEN," giving the "lady in a big skirt" visual effect), but the adjacent "wheelchair-accessible" symbol not? It's the same on both signs.