On this morning's NPR broadcast, they made mention of the Aleve issue, and how one has to take the drug for a very extended period of time — significantly longer than the "no more than 10 consecutive days" warned against on the product packaging — to experience the ill health effects observed by the FDA.
Soon after, they interviewed a screenwriter for a segment called "Scenes I Wish I'd Written." Near the end, he mentioned that he sometimes gets called in as a script doctor to fix the bad guy — and he often does so by making the bad guy smarter. Smart equals evil.
And it dawned on me: combined, this explains our modern political landscape. America has been encouraged to dumb down for years. Coffee too hot? Sue the restaurant. You stepped off the curb in front of a moving bus? Sue the bus manufacturer for not installing stop-on-a-dime brakes. Taking a drug for longer than the packaging says so can damage the heart? We can't trust the general public to follow directions, so maybe we should pull it from market. (One wonders, though, if they should stop selling alcohol. Consuming it constantly for hours on end could have some deleterious effects. And don't let me start on tobacco.)
Protect us from ourselves through products that can't be misused, and prevent us from wanting to take personal responsibility for any of our own failings. The intellectual is part of the immoral, godless left. And by encouraging us to think "smart equals evil," well, we ended up with... this administration.
And I know that consuming alcohol for a period of hours can cause "some" people to speak loud, not me ofcourse my voice just carries :-) jlv
ReplyDeleteI consider myself to be smart, but not evil. Now where are my sharks with frikkin' laser-beams attached to their heads?