Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Operating Headless

My manager is out today.

His manager, our department head, is on vacation.

So is her leader, our director.

As is her leader, our vice president. Along with the senior vice president, above him. The senior vice president reports to someone in California, who just might be in the office this week, but probably doesn't know me from Adam.

I used to take off the week between Christmas and New Year's. But with an empty office like this, why burn the vacation hours better spent elsewhere?


  1. --and a very Happy non-work day for YOU. (posted today on December 26, 2006) hum it's a Great Day......if I may say so myself :-)!

  2. Hey E,
    The leader has been out for more than five years now. Enjoy your week of freedom.

  3. AMEN! Sounds like my office this week...
