Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Latest Disney Character Attack?

Scene: our Chorus retreat (rehearsals and socializing in a church-owned camp/retreat center on the edge of the national forest). Someone ran back to their cabin on a break, and came back to proclaim: "I got bitten by a Tigger!"

On second take, he had stumbled combining "tick" and "chigger." At least if he said he'd been bitten by a "chick" we could've tracked down the culprit — the womenfolk being in the vast minority in our gay chorus.

Oh, and I'm regretting my timing, because I didn't have time either direction (driving to-and-from this very remote location) to stop and take the perfect cam-phone picture. I drove by a nursery that proclaimed on its signage: "Mulch It With MIKELL." If any of y'all are ever driving State Road 44 between DeLand and the St. Johns River &hellip.


  1. But I want to be there for the girls have all of the fun by yourselves

  2. Says Mikell after posting a picture of his bloody finger.
