Saturday, October 25, 2008

New stuff

So the Powers That Be finally wised up and blocked all things "blogger" and "blogspot" at work. (Oddly, though, no such prohibitions on all things "wordpress." Yet.) Fine, since I wasn't really blogging at work (or, um, at home) that much.

What I can do, though, is share Google Reader items. So there's a new gadget thingy over there on the left right side of my blog home page that has the last five Reader items I shared. Click the "read more" link at the bottom and you can see if I made comments. I wish those comments showed up here … maybe that's an upcoming feature. And, as a bonus, I've got those items popping into Facebook, to boot.

Of course, if you're following by RSS feed, you won't see the Reader stuff. Yet.


  1. Yuppers, I've been getting your "shared" items....

  2. I see nothing on the left... what am I doing wrong? Maybe my monitor is backwards? ;)

  3. Argh. Much as I wish I could claim I'm seeing this from the back side, and therefore it's on MY left ... it was just dyslexia. Ugh. Thanks for the catch; it's been tweaked.
