Sunday, October 21, 2001

The Sign

On the drive to Tampa today, I noticed a sign along I-4 at Auburndale that read, "Future Site, Downtown Orlampa." Wishful thinking for the property owner or political statement? I remember, growing up in the Pacific Northwest, commentary on how the Seattle area was expanding rapidly north & south. (The fact that Seattle's international airport is actually "Seattle-Tacoma" airport used to imply it was between two distinct cities — and now there is actually a town of SeaTac surrounding it.) The newspapers reported on the future city of "Vanseacoma," envisioning the urban sprawl from Tacoma in the south to Vancouver, B.C., in the north. (Portland media tried to stretch it even further the other way, calling it "Portlecouver," but there's a lot more nothin' that direction than the other.) The point of all this reminiscing? The property owner sporting this roadside sign either has nothing to worry about in his/her lifetime, else should be looking elsewhere for quick-turnaround invesment property.