Whilst waiting for the requisite follow-up visit to the optometrist (the contacts are staying, at least for social occasions, anyway), I perused one of the ancient magazines available to fill the time. Whilst reading a June 11 edition of U.S. News & World Report magazine, I came across an article likening Bin Laden's network more to an "Elvis Presley Fan Club" than GM. Amazing how perspective can change. (I'd link to the article, but it costs money to read it online. Ah, e-commerce.) In fact, I don't remember even knowing the name "Bin Laden" on June 11.
In other news, did you hear the news about the new Harry Potter movie? Did you see all the CNN reporters just gush about it? Or the "be there for the start of it all" feeling of messages on AOL? Did you notice how the disclaimers became more and more remote and less noticeable as the days rolled on? (E.g., the fact that the movie was made by Warner Bros., the "Warner" in AOL-TimeWarner, the company that now owns CNN & Co.) Last week, after an interview with Steve Case, head of AOLTW, the CNN Headline Hews entertainment reporter enthused, "Guess I'll have Harry Potter to thank for my paycheck for the next couple of years!" Now, far be it from me and my corporate heritage to denounce synergy, but you've gotta wonder....