Saturday, December 18, 2004

Let There Be Peace On Earth(a)

Dewayne has already covered Thursday's evening entertainment, but I would add this memory: Ms. Kitts' unique pronunciation of "Magi Kings," which came out as "Magic Kings." Also entertaining (although not Eartha Kitt-related material) was staying for the park's fireworks show. (How jaded are Dan and I? The same show was going off within viewing range of my department's holiday party — and we didn't care enough to stop and watch any. Our mutual reaction: "Oh, fireworks. Must be 9:30.")

I have, more or less, survived the past week and a half of busy-ness. One more Featured Holiday Activity (tomorrow) and I'm in the clear through the New Year. 95% of my Christmas cards have hit the mails, and I came home from work Thursday to find Dan had decorated the tree. I was so happy to see it done, I said I'd count that as one of his Christmas gifts to me. <grin>

This has been a week of build-up and let-down. Driving home from the concerts Sunday, I was a bit sad that all that work in rehearsal and memorization was now over. The last three days, one of my major work projects — a massive internal leadership conference — has started, run and finished. (I'm quite relieved we made it through that, and with only a few Executive Prima Donna moments.) I'm popping Vitamin C and Echinacea like crazy in hopes that my immune system doesn't follow with its own let-down right before Christmas.

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