Monday, January 01, 2007

Oh. Seven.

Observations on a January 1:
  1. The TV commercials have switched from warm-and-fuzzy and gift-giving to tax preparation and resolution-making (diets, stop-smoking products, etc.).
  2. Speaking of making resolutions, I still don't.
  3. So, the PH apparently went through whatever machinations are required to serve until 3 a.m. last night. Interesting. Also interesting was that they continued to charge a $20 cover right up until the bitter end. Not that it slowed us down.
  4. Speaking of not slowing down, I (the passenger, not the driver) woke up this morning still buzzing a bit. Hence why I'm still at home at 2 in the afternoon instead of at the gym, as was my plan. Good thing I didn't resolve to exercise more …


  1. Cover charge: one of the main reasons we avoid the PH.

    Happy New Year! :-)

  2. I am sure Susan beat it out of SOMEONE to allow her to serve drinks and soak every last dollar out of the local gay commumity for New Years Eve...

    WHY do str8 people run a gay resort?

  3. The answer, of course, is money, Spider. Ask the owner of Hanks.

    Eric: you forgot the bill-consolidation-consortium. Because EVERYONE overextends at Christmas, etc.

  4. The gym is so highly overrated. Skip it. I do

  5. mikell, I completely forgot about those!
