Monday, November 05, 2007

I'll admit...

...I'm getting excited. Not camp-out-for-days in line excited, but still.


  1. We have never been to an Ikea. We looked through the catalog and nothing really appealed to us except some of the bookcases and shelving. We'll visit the store after the newness has worn off. But a friend of ours called to get his own catalog (he didn't get the Orlando Sentinel last Sunday) and they denied him! They said because the store was opening near him soon, they would not send him one. So we gave him ours.

  2. You mean Detroit got an Ikea before Orlando? How did we manage that?

  3. anonymous has never actually been to Orlando, has he?

    BTW, my friend Dan, his boyfriend, me, and Sorted are all going on the 19th when the crowd is not so thick.

    Wanna join us?

  4. CB, it's all about the experience. OF course, my previous trips have been in Seattle, so it was all look-but-don't-buy.

    Sounds tempting, Mike .. though the 19th is the one day I'm working that week.

  5. I received my catalog this week. I wished you could join us on the 19th!

  6. So I moved from Orlando, LAVA and Full Moon close and now Ikea opens.....I have Ikean in my new city (Seattle) so NO I'm not going to Ikea over my Thanksgiving trip to MCO...however a BLT from Earl @ Downtown Disney........YES YES YES!!!!!!
