Monday, November 05, 2007


Yeah, I'm still alive, and actually doing well. I just find that keeping up appearances online takes a lot more effort than I'm inspired to deliver, as of late.

It's not just here at Blogger, either. I have languishing accounts at LiveJournal, MySpace and Facebook — all inspired by the invitations of friends. I try dropping in now and again to see what's new, but inevitably, by the time I do, I have a half-dozen or more items that I should have responded to weeks prior. It's not that I love you all any less — but if you're wondering what happened to your pre-Halloween seasonally-appropriate poke or prod … my bad. Sorry.

I almost added another account to the pantheon: the increasingly-popular WordPress. But then, last week, something happened. I was visiting a favorite local blog (that I usually follow via RSS feed*) and felt compelled to comment. When I tried, I discovered I had to log in. <sigh> So I dutifully set forth to create a WordPress account …

… and discover my usual name's been taken. Better yet, the owner of said WP name has a placeholder blog in WP-land, with an auto-generated first post, and an auto-generated first comment.

This left me in a quandry. Do I create a new "handle" just for WordPress so I can comment, considering how rarely I get around to doing that?

(And now I find myself kind of put off the idea of moving to WordPress. I'd been considering it, but the name that's been taken would have been the site name. Argh.)


  1. THERE YOU ARE! Glad to hear you're doing well. That's excellent news. I know your quandry about all of the different mediums on the internet vying for our attention. And that damned Word Press sign in just to comment makes me crazy....especially since I can't use one single WP sign in for all of the different WP blogs....each one appears to have it's own. So, I've stopped commenting on those sites that require me to establish a new account or sign in. I read them, but I don't comment. I found that I just had to draw the line for my own sanity. I'm glad to hear from you. Huge, giant hugs.

  2. You do what you can. Only you can decide what is important.

    As long as you are there, and doing okay, that's all that matters to me (us?).

  3. Oh - and for the record - those of us that DID move to wordpress - still have to maintain a blogger account in order to comment.

    Pain in the ass though it may be. ;)

  4. And good to hear from YOU, Lewis!

    Oh, I'll probably cave eventually. Just bummed I can't have the name/URL I really wanted.

    I thought I still had "anonymous" commenting turned on here ... or so it appeared to me. Ah, well.
