Tuesday, January 15, 2008

$3,520.00 (plus tax)

That's how much today's new product announcements would cost if I bought what I want out of them. Ugh.


  1. Oh my god, you're not ANOTHER one of "them," are you? And here I thought so much more highly of you than that. It's funny, because I'm in San Jose tonight...just down the road from your MacWorldLet'sTakeOverTheWorld conference in San Fran. Too bad you're not here!

  2. LOL

    Wait a month...it'll cost half. Okay, maybe not.

  3. Yeah, I agree with you and I too need that much to buy my toys from Apple :-) :-)

  4. Well, I love my Mac but I can't really imagine getting into going to the conventions. That's a bit much.

    The new toys, though ... nice. :)

    Maybe I should wait for that magic $600 rebate the Shrub is promising?
