Friday, January 25, 2008


Yesterday, I had lunch with this former blogger, this blogger, and this used-to-blog-for-free-but-now-gets-paid blogger. These people (along with someone whose domain has expired) might be considered my blogparents -- and all but one have stopped blogging. (Actually, I thought "Empty" had been discontinued, as well, until I went to go test the link. Oops. He'd posted more recently than I. Until now. But I digress.)

When I commented over here, the response was (justly): "By the way, that’s the most you’ve typed in weeks, though I haven’t checked your blog this afternoon."

My point?

I'm wondering if I've run my course here. When I'm inspired to blog, I'm not at a computer or I don't have time. When I'm at a computer and have time — an increasingly rare occurrence — I'm at a loss for topic. Not to mention that I'm enjoying cuddling on the couch and generally spending quality time with the BF, whereas with the ex, the computer room was a nice, safe fortress of solitude.

My little experiments with photo-blogging-on-the-go worked well for me, and are definitely facilitated by the personal phone. Maybe I need to focus more on those kinds of entries.

No need to panic or remove me as a dead link … yet. Heck, maybe the complete dearth of watchable TV these days will inspire new content here. But might I suggest adding my RSS feed to your reader of choice, so you know when I've posted? <grin>


  1. You already have an RSS feed in your site....beyind the scenes. I get an automatic update every time you post, which isn't very often, unfortunately for all of us. Focus. Regroup. Give it some thought. I think you enjoy it. Don't toss it all away. Make it work for you.

  2. OK I'm a little behind the tech talks....but what is an RSS Feed?

  3. I'm glad you took it for what it was, a poke. I'm with Jorge, mostly. I know that RSS feeds exist, but wouldn't know what to do with it if someone were to hand it to me on a silver platter.

    Besides, I'd rather click on the link in my blogroll and be surprised.
