Friday, December 10, 2004

Lap(top) Dance

So, now scientsits have determined that the heat from a laptop computer, if actually used while balanced on a man's lap, can reduce fertility and thus risk future fatherhood.

While this doesn't concern me a whole lot — I have no intentions of being a father — it did give me an idea. How about a government-sponsored birth control program, where we donate laptop computers to all those people we think shouldn't ever be fathers? Load the computers with a few good shoot-em-up games and links to some porn sites (hey, the advertising revenue from that alone could make the program pay for itself), and voilà, instant birth control.

Just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be the first to sign that petition! We don't want all these hottie men sidled with rubrats. That would cut into their time sneaking around the Parliament House!
