Saturday, April 01, 2006

Releasing the Geek of the Subconscious

This morning, when packing my gym bag, I grabbed one of the white, oversized T-shirts I use when running. Turned out to be the free Apple T-shirt I got last fall.

At lunch with Jorge, I ordered a Waldorf salad, complete with lovely bits of Granny Smith apple.

Shortly after, We made a planned trip to the Apple Store, when it hit me: It's Apple's 30th birthday. Now, while I knew this when planning the trip, I wonder how much influence it had on those other two events earlier in the day?

(I could add how I spent part of my morning perusing the iTMS, but that was a combination of free time and a birthday-induced gift-certificate credit still staring me in the face. Props, and thanks, go to CTO.)

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